Brave new world movie remake
Brave new world movie remake

brave new world movie remake

The death of romance was Huxleys central theme in BNW and the show honors that. Resigned to the fact that Lelina is incapable of loving him back he sees no way to live with her or in the new world she will lead. The end was a spin on the books ending, instead of suicide being the final act of rebellion, John decides to live in the old world with a vr recording of lelina. She mirrored an image of the Savage leader and showed her achieving her dream using Indra. I think what's in the box is one of Indra's worlds. Seeing that the limits of Soma has been reached Indra, a program created to follow preprogrammed rules, can't do anything except continue using Soma. Soma Red goes beyond what the original researchers intended. Indra, in attempting to create the perfect society has used up all levels of Soma to give people pleasure. The Savages, wanting to stop the image of themselves as people of vices who kill at the drop of a hat, only cement their reputation by violently killing people they don't feel fits their ideals. Bernard, the only one with knowledge of this chooses to bury his head in pleasure even when seeing the ad for Savage Land 2. The Londoners have their barrier to keep out the Savages but within the first two episodes the Savages have the Londoners caged. At the same time everyone is imprisoned by their idea of freedom. I liked how they presented the theme of how everything is on a precipice or approaching a precipice and no one knows what to do when they go over.

Brave new world movie remake